Workshops, seminars and retreats
Dr. Kavar has led retreats, workshops, and spoken at conferences throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, England, Australia and New Zealand. His relaxed, engaging style encourages group interaction while enabling participants to explore new material and integrate the experience with their lives. Dr. Kavar is available to work with your group or organization to facilitate educational workshops, interactive seminars, or reflective retreats. Previous topics include:
Integrating the Spiritual Dimension of Life
Personality Traits and Spiritual Practices
Mindful Living in a Multi-Tasking World
Change, Grief and Transformation for Organizations
Integrating Spirituality with Health and Mental Health Care
Exploring Spiritual Practices
Integrating the Spiritual Dimension of Life
Research in neurology and genetics support the understanding that spirituality is a unique dimension of human experience. Dr. Kavar has extensive experience working with a variety of different groups facilitating an understanding of how the spiritual dimension is operative in life and how to nurture that aspect of life in a way which is consonant and compatible with other dimensions of life.
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Personality Traits and Spiritual Practices
Based on an understanding of personality psychology, particular spiritual practices may be more helpful for one person than for another. For some, practices suited related to dominant traits are more helpful. For instance, an introverted person may naturally find quiet meditation very comfortable while an extroverted person may struggle with the same practice. At other times, exploring practices which seem different from one’s natural personality can lead to new insights and opportunities for integration. Dr. Kavar works with groups to assist them in exploring a variety of spiritual practices which can be helpful to different individuals.
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Mindful Living in a Multi-Tasking World
Multi-tasking is the way of life demanded of us today. How does one maintain a sense of integrated, centered life when so many demand are part of our lives? Dr. Kavar considers practical ways to live in a mindful, intentional way in the midst of the realities of contemporary life.
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Change, Grief and Transformation for Organizations
Managing change is a topic considered by many management consultants as essential to organizational transformation. An aspect of change management often not addressed in management literature is the way the underlying mission and values of the organization and the individuals in the organization are related to change. To successfully navigate change, members of an organization (including businesses, non-profits, and religious institutions) are wise to consider how the process of bereavement impacts the life of the organization. The bereavement process can better enable individuals in the organization to incorporate a new sense of mission and incorporate the values of a newly incarnated organization.
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Integrating Spirituality with Health and Mental Health Care
Research indicates that positive health and mental health outcomes are related to clinicians supporting the beliefs, practices, and values of clients and patients. Ethical concerns often prevent clinicians from discussing spiritual and religious beliefs and practices with clients and patients. Dr. Kavar has work with a variety of clinicians providing models for integrated care which includes spirituality and religion as part of the treatment plan. The role of spiritual assessment in treatment can be essential for care givers.
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Exploring Spiritual Practices
Meditation, walking a labyrinth, praying with icons, or exploring art, writing and other forms of creative expression: all of these things are spiritual practices which enable people to develop and nurture the spiritual dimension of life. Dr. Kavar has taught a variety of spiritual practices for over thirty years. His background enables him to also discuss these practices in relationship to health and mental health.
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